The Association for Internet Trade “eComm” in Bosnia and Herzegovina launched today the first B&H national security stamp, called “Trust eComm”. The purpose of the stamp is to provide additional assurances to customers that online transactions with certified BH online retailers are conducted safely and reliably, ie. to confirm that the eComm association has reviewed the processes and manner of conducting online transactions and to confirm with its stamp that the merchant in question meets the required standards in online business, similar to those that apply in EU countries.


Online shopping in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been growing steadily in recent years, as an increasing number of consumers are realizing the benefits of online shopping. However, research conducted on the habits of consumers in the Western Balkans indicates that consumers in our country still do not have the desired level of trust in online commerce, which represents the most significant obstacle to the development of this industry both in the region and in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


“Trustmark as a tool for improving trust is already a standard in the rest of Europe, and we are the first to bring it to our market. Bearing in mind that the lack of trust is one of the biggest obstacles for online trade in our country, the eComm association decided to be actively involved in solving this key challenge for the development of online trade in our country. We believe that over time, as customers recognize our ‘Trust eComm’ logo, they will decide to shop online more often than traditional shopping. In the end, we hope that this will make Internet business in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a whole, more transparent and safer for all parties involved,” said Alma Ahmić, director of eComm, noting that all active members of the eComm association get the certification service under significantly more favorable conditions and have priority over other internet retailers.


“In the certification process, the eComm association will check in detail the compliance of all merchants using the Trust eComm logo with the required standard valid in the EU, which implies that they will have to clearly, in detail and accurately indicate all information about their products and services, as well as the available channels of customer support, goods and money return policies, as well as other services they provide to customers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We believe that this will increase the level of trust of our customers in online shopping, and strengthen the image of our online retailers, and they will create a quality difference compared to their competition,” said Elvis Pivić, member of the Board of Directors of the eComm Association.


The eComm association hereby invites all interested entrepreneurs to inform themselves about the certification process and to use this opportunity as a means of improving their business and raising the level of consumer confidence in the security of the online services they provide. For more information about Trust eComm certification, please visit the website or contact our customer support at


The Association for Internet Trade “eComm” in Bosnia and Herzegovina was founded at the end of 2021. with the aim of actively advocating the best practices and solutions for regulating the eCommerce industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It gathers 50 active members and continuously works on education, improvement of safety, practicality and reliability of B&H online stores.